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German Academic Exchange Service

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is the organisation of German universities and their student bodies devoted to internationalising the academic and scientific research system. DAAD scholarship programmes enable students, researchers and teaching staff to take advantage of the best study and research opportunities available.

The DAAD promotes transnational cooperation and university partnerships, and is the German national agency for EU higher education cooperation. Consequently, the DAAD supports Germany’s international cultural and educational policy goals, national scientific policies and development cooperation efforts and fosters the internationalisation of German higher education institutions.

The DAAD operates a network of 66 regional offices and information centres/points worldwide. Since it was established in 1925, the DAAD has supported approx. 2.8 million scholars in Germany and throughout the world. 

Scientists discussing aroma researches in the IfL-Abt.Sensorik / AltraSens at the University of Bonn.

Facts and figures

 The DAAD maintains the DAAD Head Office in Bonn and runs a Berlin Office


Around 135,000 students, graduates and researchers received funding in 2021

1.66 million funding recipients from Germany and 1.14 million funding recipients from abroad since 1950

66 DAAD offices worldwide, of which 47 are information centres and information points, and 19 are regional offices

Annual budget: 635 million euros (2021)


The DAAD budget (2021: 635 million euros) derives largely from federal funds provided by various ministries. The following ministries contribute to its administrative, project and programme budget:

  • Federal Foreign Office (AA) (33%) 
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (32%) 
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) (8%) 

The rest of the budget comes from the European Union (21%) and other sources. 

More Information:

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

  • Kennedyallee 50
  • 53175 Bonn

Funding programmes:

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany

International PhD students can realise a doctoral project (individually or in a structured programme) at a state or state-recognised German university or non-university research institution.

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.

Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle

The aim of this programme is to support doctoral degrees at the student’s home university with integrated research phases in Germany.

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.

Research Grants – One-Year Grants

International doctoral candidates can carry out research primarily as part of a doctoral project at a state or state-recognised university or non-university research institution in Germany.

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.

RISE Professional

This programme enables students in the fields of natural sciences, engineering or computer science from North America, the United Kingdom or Ireland to gain serious practical experience in a German company or research institution with strong industry ties.

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships

Outstanding PhD students can complete a doctorate in the fields of space, aeronautics, energy, transport, digitalisation and security at an institute of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Two researchers working at the DLR in Cologne.

Bilateral Exchange of Academics

The programme supports research and study visits of up to three months within the framework of the bilateral exchange of scientists and scholars.

Logo of the German Academic Exchange Service: A blue circle wherein is written DAAD in white capital letters.