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Information in Easy Read

Welcome to our website.

Who we are

Our project is called Research in Germany.

Research in Germany is a DAAD project.

DAAD is short for: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.

That is in English: German Academic Exchange Service.

The DAAD supports people, for example, 

  • who want to study in Germany.
  • who want to do research in Germany.

In our project we have different tasks.

For example:

  • We provide information about research in Germany.
  • We explain how to get a scholarship.
    That means money for a project.
  • We also explain what you need to do a PhD in Germany.

But we do even more:

We provide information about life in Germany.

Researchers from abroad tell you

  • what life is like in Germany.
  • how they have achieved their goals.

Research in Germany is for

  • Researchers from Germany.
  • Researchers from abroad.
  • Graduates.

Graduates are people who have already finished university.

Research in Germany was founded in 2006.

The BMBF gives money for the project.

BMBF is short for:

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung.

That is in English:

Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

With this project, the BMBF wants to inform

researchers from abroad about the opportunities in Germany.

How to navigate our website

A section of the top bar, where it is shown how to change the language. A red arrow points to the sympbol.

How to change the language

Many texts are both in German and in English.

Some texts are only in German or in English.

A section of the top bar showing how users reach the German microsite. A red arrow points to the sympbol.

How to change the website language

Go to the top right corner of our website.

Click on the small arrow.

Choose either German or English.


EN stands for English.

And DE stands for German.

Logo of Research in Germany

Main Page

At the top left corner of our website, you see our logo.

Do you want to go back to the main page?

Then click on our logo:

Logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Next to our logo you see the logo of the BMBF.

Do you want to go to the website of the BMBF?

Click on their logo:

Magnifying glass icon for website search


At the top right corner of our website,

you see the picture of a magnifying glass.

This is the search icon.

The search helps you to find information on a specific topic.

Search bar in the topbar.

How to search on our website?

Click on the picture of the magnifying glass.

The search bar appears:

The Enter key on a keyboard with a red frame drum.

Type in the topic you are interested in.

Then press the Enter key on your keyboard to start the search.

This is how the Enter key looks like:

How to navigate our website with the keyboard

You can also navigate our website with your computer keyboard.

This means:

You do not have to use your computer mouse.

The tab key on a keyboard highlighted with a red frame.

How to go from one part of our website to another one

You can go to every part of our website with the Tab key.

For example:

Do you want to go from the search bar to the language menu?

Press the Tab key.

This is how the Tab key looks like:

The Enter key on a keyboard with a red frame drum.

You can then select an item with the Enter key.

This is how the Enter key looks like.

The "Ctrl" and "plus" keys.

How to make the text bigger

If you use a Windows computer

You can make the text of our website bigger.

Press the Ctrl key and the + key:

Do you want to make the text bigger?

Then press both keys again.

The "Cmd" and "plus" keys.

How to make the text bigger

If you use an Apple computer

You can make the text of our website bigger.

Press the Cmd key and the + key:

Do you want to make the text bigger?

Then press both keys again.

The "cmd" and "minus" keys.

How to make the text smaller

If you use an Apple computer

You can make the text of our website smaller.

Press the Cmd key and the - key.

Do you want to make the text smaller?

Then press both keys again.

The "Ctrl" and "minus" keys.

How to make the text smaller

If you use a Windows computer

You can make the text of our website smaller.

Press the Ctrl key and the - key.

Do you want to make the text smaller?

Then press both keys again.

What sections and topics do you find on our website?

There are 5 sections on our website:

  • Research landscape
  • Your goal
  • Plan your Stay
  • Success stories
  • Our service

This is how the sections look like:

The main navigation areas are highlighted with a red frame.

There are different topics for each section.

Do you want to display the topics?

Then click on a section.

Now you can then see all the topics from that section on the right:

The expanded menu of a theme.

More information on the different sections

Section 1: Research landscape

Here you can find important information about Germany.

For example,

  • on the politics in Germany.
  • on the economy in Germany.
  • on the universities in Germany.

This section also includes these topics:


Research in Germany

German research and many researchers are well known.

Many new products and processes are developed in Germany.

Especially in areas that are very important for the future.


Why is that?

There are many research institutes in Germany.

For example, at the universities.

And there are many research organisations.

You can find more information on this topic here.


Why Germany?

Scientists from abroad can work all over the world.

But there are many reasons for going to Germany.

These are some of the reasons:

  • There are a lot of universities in Germany.
    These universities do a lot of research on different topics.
  • But research is not only done at universities.
    There are also many research institutions in Germany.
  • The companies in Germany are very innovative:
    They develop many new products.
    The state grants them money for this.

You can find more information on these topics here.


University landscape

There are 420 universities in Germany.

You can find more information on this topic here.


Research institutions

There are about one thousand research institutions in Germany.

And there are research centres, too.

You can find more information on this topic here.


Industrial research

In Germany, many companies conduct research.

You can find more information on this topic here.

Section 2: Your goal

Here you can find information on

  • studying in Germany.
  • doing a PhD in Germany.
  • your options after finishing university.

And you can also find information on

  • scholarships
  • job offers
  • general questions
    For example, whether you need a work permit.

This section also includes these topics:


Bachelor or Master

The universities in Germany are well known all over the world.

Every year they come up with many innovations.

That is, for example, new products.

Do you want to study in Germany?

Then you can find all the important information on our website

Click on this link.



Do you want to do your PhD in Germany?

Then you can find all the important information on this page.



Have you already completed your PhD?

Do you want to work and do research in Germany?

Then you can find all the important information on this page.


Advanced research

Do you already work as a researcher?

Are you looking for new challenges?

Then you can find all the important information on this page.


A research position

Are you looking for a job in science or research?

On this page you can find all the important links with job offers.

Section 3: Plan your stay

Here you can find useful information on

  • entering Germany.
  • working in Germany.
  • living in Germany.

This section also includes these topics:


Entry and residence

Here you can find all rules for international researchers

who want to work in Germany.



Here you can find information on salaries and taxes.

And you can also find information on costs of living.

And we give you tips to save money.


Social security

Here you can find information on health insurance and pensions.



Here you can find information on how to bring your family and on how to support your family members.


Living in Germany

Here you can find information on

  • the German language.
  • places to live.
  • mobility.
    That means, for example, on ride sharing.


Refugee researchers

Here you can find important information

  • on funding.
  • on how to recognise your qualification.

Section 4: Success stories

Here you can find of other researchers.

For example,

  • How is life like in Germany?
  • How did they reach their goals?

This section also includes these topics:


Latest Thinking

Here researchers from all over the world present their projects.

And they also share their thoughts.

You can find more information on this topic here.

Section 5: Our service

Here you can find various information on:

  • Events
  • News from research
  • Online Talks

On this page you can also subscribe to our newsletter.

You will then receive all important information

by e-mail every 2 months.

This section also includes these topics:


Events & online talks

Here you can find all important events

from the fields of science and research.


Research news

Here you can find all the important news on research

  • at universities.
  • at research institutions.
  • in companies.


Topics in focus
Global Health

Here we show how researchers in Germany contribute to improve health around the world.

You can find all the important information on this page.



Here we show how renewable resources are used.

You can find all the important information on this page.


EnergInno Brazil

The project EnergInno Brazil is about sustainable energy.

Sustainable energy means:

Energy that does not run out.

EnergInno Brazil aims to strengthen the cooperation between Germany and Brazil.

You can find all the important information on this page.



USA InnoHealth USA is about improving the health care system.

InnoHealth USA aims to strengthen

the cooperation between Germany and America.

You can find all the important information on this page.


The Future of Work

How can we shape our working world of the future already today?

And how can science help in doing so?

This project tries to answer these questions.

You can find all the important information on this page.


Cancer research

Germany is one of the leading countries in cancer research.

Here you can find more information on cancer research in Germany.

You can find all the important information on this page.



Here you can subscribe to our newsletter.

You will then receive all important information every 2 months by e-mail.

For example, information

  • on job offers.
  • on research projects.
  • on funding programmes.



Here you can find all the important information

  • on research in Germany.
  • on research institutions in Germany.
  • on financing.
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