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Topics in focus

From Lab to Pitch

Germany is the host country of the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. Football is not only the world’s most popular sport, it is also full of research. Knowledge-based innovation and novel technologies are key to success in football.  

Germany has a lot to offer in this regard. For our special issue, we have visited international researchers and innovators from German universities, research institutions and companies. AI-based tactical football analysis, injury prevention and rehabilitation and much more: Learn more about exciting examples of football-related research and innovation “made in Germany”.

And the ball is rolling… Discover From Lab to Pitch! 

A football lies on a lawn. "Research in Germany - Land of Ideas" is written on the ball

From Space to Life

Growing kohlrabi in space. Understanding how viruses and cancer cells behave in microgravity. Observing wildlife from satellites to protect biodiversity. Space research and the application of space-based technologies are full of innovation and can bring many benefits for a better and more sustainable future here on Earth.

Germany has a great deal to offer in this area. Our From Space to Life campaign showcases exciting projects at German universities and research institutes. And it gives an insight into the work of the scientists involved.

View of planet Earth through a porthole on the International Space Station (ISS).

Global Health

Discover weekly content about how researchers and other players in Germany are contributing to improved health around the world with their international and interdisciplinary work.


We are faced with environmental challenges. This requires us to transform today’s oil based economy towards the sustainable use of renewable resources

Innovation Map

A German-Polish innovation map was created with the support of ''Research in Germany'', in which Polish alumni and alumnae of German funding organisations can enter their fields of expertise and contacts. Here you can already find more than 100 academics who have conducted research in Germany and are open to joint research projects - and the number is growing.

The map is part of an innovation network (''Innovationsnetzwerk'') the German embassy in Warsaw has established to foster science cooperation between Germany and Poland.

A hand is holding a glowing lightbulb emitting a network.

EnergInno Brazil

EnergInno Brazil is a new campaign that aims at strengthening the scientific research and industrial cooperation between the Brazilian and German sector of sustainable energy, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. In the field of green energy, EnergInno Brazil focuses on the Brazilian and German markets of Green Hydrogen and Biogas. The campaign is led by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as a constituent component of "Research in Germany". 

Keyvisual EnergyInno Brazil 2022, 16:9, BASIC

InnoHealth USA

InnoHealth USA is designed to strengthen the scientific research and the cooperation between the US and German health sector, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups. The campaign InnoHealth USA is led by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as another constituent component of the Research in Germany initiative, lasting from 2020-2021.

Keyvisual of the campaign InnoHealth USA showing an human eye surrounded by virtual signs, on the left side of the picture you find an orange-pink stripe.

Cancer Research

Germany is one of the leading actors in the pursuit of researching, fighting and ultimately annihilating cancer. Learn more about who does cancer research in Germany.

A researcher holds up a probe and holds it against the light.

International campaigns by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

The international campaigns of the BMBF foster innovation by supporting international cooperation with nations of high research and technology potential. Each campaign is dedicated to a thematic priority or a partner nation and invites relevant top-class research networks based in Germany to showcase their projects, technologies and innovation competence abroad. This allows the networks to meet international partners and strengthen ties to advance research and technology and develop solutions for pressing challenges of the future.
