GHTC® Award - Renewable Energy & Efficiency
Tokyo 2013

The Tokyo International Forum on November 18, 2013 was home to the fifth GHTC® Award. “Faster, lighter, stronger” was the motto of the six Champions at this Fraunhofer-Symposium “Green Technology made in Germany – Lightweight Design”. Noticeably, the Japanese automotive sector was well represented.
Dr Sergio Amancio
Poly join Me – Friction Spot Joining of CFRP-Metal Structures
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Konstantinos Dalamagkidis
The Myorobotics Toolkit – Lightweight, bio-inspired robotics for R&D
Technical University München
Christian Gröschel
The Twin-O-Sheet Process – Shaping, fusion-bonding & functionalizing
Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT)
Prof. Peer Haller
Wood in Top Form – Fibre and textile reinforced moulded timber profiles and shells
Technical University Dresden
Dr Alexander Kermer-Meyer
Local Carbon – Laser-assisted integration of local composite reinforcements
Vaillant Group
Annett Klotzbach
remocut®FRP – Laser treatment of composite materials
Fraunhofer IWS Dresden
Lyon 2012

A call of premieres – for the first time Champions could apply as bilingual French-German researcher tandems! ARTE moderator Alice Tumler led them through the TV Stage and conference at POLLUTEC 2012, the leading French fair for eco-industries. In the evening of November 28 the Clos des Varennes hosted the festive Award Ceremony, followed by the business networking platform.

Kevin Fuechsel
efficient design – Unique Solar Solutions for Unique Projects
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering

Prof. Marie-Pierre Laborie
BIOFOAMS – Biomaterials for Building Insulation
Institute of Forest Utilization and Works Science, University of Freiburg

Franz Lattke
TES EnergyFaçade – Proven Practice
Technical University München

Manuel Riepl
Solar Heating & Cooling – Multi-Stage Absorption Machine and Latent Heat Storage
Bavarian Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE Bayern)

Sabine Webel
Life BC – Lifecycle Building Card
Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
Boston 2011

The first GHTC® Award on June 15, 2011 showed some interesting new approaches in the field of photovoltaics. The winners represented a variety of technologies geared towards better quality, increased efficiency, and less environmental hazards at Clean Technology Conference & Expo. Selected American industrial experts and investors were thrilled to get in contact with the four Champions and their promising research groups at the closing refreshing “Business Speed Dining”.

Rodrigo Sàez-Araoz
ILGAR® - Low Cost Thin-Film Deposition Technology for PV and beyond

Dr Andrés-Fabiàn Lasagni
Rapid Fabrication of Nano-Structures for highly efficient Photovoltaics
Fraunhofer IWS – Material and Beam Technology

Dr Uwe Lommatzsch
Plasma Deposition Technology
Fraunhofer IFAM – Manufacturing Technology & Applied Materials Research

Dr David Kiliani
Transient Photoluminescence Imaging for reliable, absolute Lifetime Maps of Silicon Wafers
University of Konstanz