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Dr. Sylvia Schattauer | Green Hydrogen

JURY InnoEnergy 2022: Dr. Silvia Schattauer, Fraunhofer IMWS

Dr. Sylvia Schattauer

Deputy Head of the Fraunhofer IMWS
Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS


Dr. Sylvia Schattauer is the deputy head of the institute and leads the business unit "Hydrogen and carbon Process Technology" at the Fraunhofer IMWS in Halle. She is responsible for developing the fields of hydrogen technologies and carbon process engineering. In addition to driving R&D on H2 generation at the systems level, the technical focus is on the performance and reliability assessment of materials, components and systems as well as post-mortem fault analysis and feedback to materials and systems design in order to improve production processes.

Reading hints about Green Hydrogen from Dr. Sylvia Schattauer

Dr. Sylvia Schattauer will evaluate the applications in the field of Green Hydrogen as part of the EnergInno Brazil campaign. To get a first insight into the topic, she recommends the following publications: