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Stipendiumplus is an association of 13 organisations for the promotion of young talent (Begabtenförderungswerke) that want to support students and junior researchers. Not only good grades count here, but also young people’s special talents. Depending on their goals, these organisations support young people who show societal, political, cultural or social commitment.

Their scholarship funding comes from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The BMBF provides roughly 313 million euros for these organisations’ support programmes. This money is used to fund roughly 30,000 students and doctoral students a year.

A bunch of young people are standing in a semicircle and are laughing at the camera.

Support for undergraduates and PhD students

The organisations for the promotion of young talent that formed StipendiumPlus support undergraduates and especially qualified doctoral students. The various organisations have different emphases, depending on the goals of the respective foundation. As a rule, their funding opportunities are aimed at German and non-German students who are resident in Germany. However, all 13 of these funding organisations also support international students who would like to complete a PhD at a higher education institution in Germany.

Backed by the BMBF, these organisations provide intellectual and financial support to contribute to the development of highly qualified and responsible personalities. The different organisations reflect the diverse range of philosophical, denominational, political and business- or trade union-oriented tendencies in Germany. The individual organisations are:

Facts and figures

Scholarships for approx. 30,000 undergraduates and PhD students (2020)

Approx. 313 million euros, provided by the Federal Government (2022)

Piechart that shows that the stipendium plus is funded 100% by the Federal Government.


The varied nature of these organisations and their sponsors is also reflected in their finances. However, most of the budget is provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Federal Government made approx. 313 million euros available to these funding organisations in 2022.

More Information:


Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Begabtenförderungswerke der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Responsible organisation in 2021

  • Straße der Pariser Kommune 8A
  • 10243 Berlin