Support making RiG more international!

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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

Please start the survey at the end of your visit.

“Research in Germany” at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) 2022


March 14, 2022 – March 18, 2022 (CEST)
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Chicago and Online

“Research in Germany” at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) 2022

From March 14 to 18, more than 12.000 international physicists, scientists and students will get together online and in Chicago for the first hybrid March Meeting of the American Physical Society. Under the umbrella of the initiative “Research in Germany” and both online and offline, funding organisations, research institutions and research networks provide detailed information on the German physics research landscape and about career and funding opportunities for scientists of all career stages.

Visit our information- and networking events with representatives of the following German funding and research institutions:

- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

- German Academic Exchange Service – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

- German Research Foundation – Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

- German Physical Society – Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft

- Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

- Max Planck Society – Max Planck Gesellschaft

- Max Planck School of Photonics

- Quantum Alliance

  • “Research in Germany” Information Booth, March 15-17, during exhibition hours

McCormick Place Chicago, booth #600

Visitors can learn more about research and career opportunities in German physics and meet face to face with representatives of German funding and research institutions.

  • Online “Physics in Germany” Exhibitor Page

On the online "Physics in Germany" Exhibitor Page, visitors can gain an overview of the German research landscape and learn more about PhD, research, funding and collaboration opportunities in Germany in the fields of physics.

  • Online Workshop “How to do Physics in Germany”, Wednesday, March 16 2022, 9-10am (CDT) / 3-4pm (CET)

In this online workshop participants will hear first-hand stories about the experiences of the two distinguished researchers Davide Bossini (University of Konstanz) and Andrew Mackenzie (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids) who will exemplify two possible career paths in the field of physics in Germany. Participants will also get the opportunity to ask their personal questions and to get in touch with representatives of the aforementioned German funding and research institutions to gain insights into how to realise their own plans for a research career in Germany.

Learn how you can start your physics research career in Germany!

For more information on the event follow us on twitter

Further information about the conference:


We are looking forward to meeting you in Chicago and online!


Annina Lottermann                                   
DFG Head Office
+49 (228) 885-2802

Stefan Altevogt
DFG Office New York
+49 (228) 885-4121
