Support making RiG more international!

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Support making "Research in Germany" more international! Your expertise and commitment are the key to the further development of promoting the German research landscape. We invite you to take part in our online survey and share your valuable experiences and opinions. Duration: 7-10 min.

Please start the survey at the end of your visit.

Why do individuals overconsume unhealthy foods?

Effrosyni Adamopoulou investigates whether there is a link between scarcity of food in early life and later overconsumption.

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Why did you choose Germany as a research destination?

For its international environment, top universities, the generous financial assistance and the high quality of life.

What was your first impression of Germany, the German culture and its people?

Beautiful parks, sunnier than expected, trustworthy people.

Did you encounter any difficulties while settling in in Germany?

Bureaucracy worse than expected.

Do you have tips for other international researchers who are thinking about coming to Germany or cooperating with researchers in Germany?

Get informed! There are numerous possibilities for young or female researchers and you may qualify for scholarships.

Short and crisp: What is your favourite

  • German word: Doch
  • German dish: Spätzle
  • piece of German culture: Schultüte


Find out more about Effrosyni Adamopoulou and her research project on the Latest Thinking website:
